Our first stop was the Black Purls Yarn Shop (of course) and we were pleasantly surprised. It was the best yarn shop we had seen on our travels so far. http://www.blackpurlsyarn.com/
I did fall in love with the sheep that greeted us on our way in. She was originally a "Serta" display sheep, then received the black color at the paint shop of a BMW car dealership, before ending up in the yarn shop. She just makes me smile every time I look at her!
Inside the yarn shop was a really nice selection of good yarn, beautiful buttons (I found the perfect buttons for my Pastaza vest) and above all: really friendly people!
On our way out, the black sheep looks sad, doesn't she?
Kandi also recommended we check out the shop of a local glass blower, the "Glass Studio on Cape Cod" http://www.capecodglass.net/ .

Even the outside was decorated with glass, from the little table with glass items to the mail box and this pump with glass "water":

I also liked the entrance to the shop, with a glass light, an old wooden door, and rod-iron railings.

The door to the house was cool, but a bit scary - I'm not sure if this guy is supposed to keep away bad spirits or door-to-door salespeople.

After the visit to the glass studio (where Jan and I bought beautiful glass items) we needed something to drink and we took a break at the Nirvana Coffee shop for coffee and Coke. Right next to the coffee shop was this beautiful house with an amazing garden in front. The porch had several rocking chairs and there were quilts on every chair. It looked so peaceful!

Even the outside was decorated with glass, from the little table with glass items to the mail box and this pump with glass "water":
I also liked the entrance to the shop, with a glass light, an old wooden door, and rod-iron railings.
The door to the house was cool, but a bit scary - I'm not sure if this guy is supposed to keep away bad spirits or door-to-door salespeople.
After the visit to the glass studio (where Jan and I bought beautiful glass items) we needed something to drink and we took a break at the Nirvana Coffee shop for coffee and Coke. Right next to the coffee shop was this beautiful house with an amazing garden in front. The porch had several rocking chairs and there were quilts on every chair. It looked so peaceful!
For dinner Jan, Janis and I went to "Campari", an italian restaurant in Chatham. Unfortunately the food wasn't all that great. But with all the perfect things we saw and did today, this not-so-perfect dinner wasn't really a problem and couldn't put a damper on our good mood. We went back to the house and did some knitting. I have started Arielle, a little sweater made from Milk Cotton. So far it looks really good, but as always I have to adjust the length of the sweater. At first it didn't work the way I wanted it and I had to take out a couple of inches. I think it'll be okay now and Arielle should come out right.