Another rainy day in Vermont. First we had breakfast at "Danya's at the Gorge", where Jan talked to the waitrress only to find out that they both were from the same little town in Massachussetts! It's a small world after all!
After breakfast we checked out the stores next to the Gorge, and allso drove to Cabot Cheese. I don't eat cheese, but they had other things and several different stores in the same area. It was fun.
In the afternoon it was time to do laundry and Jan and I went to the "Laundry Room", a cute little laundromat.

I sent some packages home, since Jan's car is getting really full. I also sent some things to Patrick, since he couldn't go with me on our yearly trip. For dinner we went back to Kathie's house where we had chinese food. It was Edward's 16th birthday and he wanted chinese food. We had a fun evening with the family.