This morning the five of us (Cilla, Lizzy, Alex, Jan, and I) went to breakfast at Red's.

They all left after breakfast and I stayed to explore Salem. First I walked to Essex street, where the fake witches are and all the stores are geared towards the supernatural, the gothic, the pagan, and sometimes the just plain weird. Nonetheless, I had my fortune read by a Tarot psychic. It was fun and interesting, but I'm not going to change my life over it.
Salem is really pretty, with all the old buildings and no cars in that part of town. So I had time to stroll, look around and enjoy. It was a beautiful day, but still too warm for me. No chance to wear my Pastaza vest anytime soon!
I also went to the memorial for the real "witches" - or better, the people accused of being witches. I was surprised to see that there are a lot of men who were accused of witchcraft, not just women. The memorial is a courtyard, surrounded by a wall. There are 19 stones sticking out with the names and manner of death engraved on it, one stone for each of the 19 people murdered during the Salem witch trials.

At the entrance to the courtyard are the last words the people spoke in their defense, not that anyone cared at the time.

Jan picked me up and we went back to Cilla's where Rick picked us up to go to a chinese restaurant for dinner.