Today we drove to Barnstable to visit a yarn shop (see, I do think about things other than food!) but that shop had apparently closed two years ago. I think we were just a little to late for a visit. Barnstable is a cute town, but we couldn't find a place to eat lunch there. So we went back towards Chatham and had lunch at one of the restaurants at the Wequassett Resort .The Outer Bar & Grill was a place Janis had been before and she said the Lobster Rolls are really good there. So, we did what Cesar did: We came, we saw (the lobster roll), we conquered. Well, we had problems with the last part of Cesars plan, the "conquer" of said lobster roll. That THING was enormous, giant, beautiful, very good and did I mention : enormous? I usually don't have a Sandwich with body parts sticking out, but my sandwich had claws! And delicious claws at that.
So here is my half-eaten sandwich, still a lot of food after all the time and work I had already put into it. BTW, I don't know what the bread tasted like and frankly, I couldn't care less. But the Lobster was great.
There was no way we could eat all that food, so we took the rest home and had a late evening snack from the leftovers. Of course, on the way back through Chatham we had to stop and have some ice cream, 'cause . . . well, it's ice cream!
We came home early and then settled in, did some knitting (I finished my curly cable socks) and later on we watched a movie nobody remembers the name of. But it was a cute movie.
Okay, after re-reading this entry, I see the pattern: FOOD and YARN. And again I'm struck by the realization that "life is good"!