Thursday, September 9, 2010

And . . . more driving!

After breakfast this morning we went to the post office and then back onto the road. Really, all this driving makes for a very dull blog. At least we got lost today, so it was kind off entertaining. Also, we went through several States today - VA, WV, PA, MD, NY, CT, and MA. We got lost in Allentown, PA and met some very nice people there who tried to get us back on the right road. Apparently, in Allentown, getting to the right road is not an easy thing to do - Jan and I found this out today. But after we finally found the right road (which is clearly marked on one side of the Interstate, but is not at all marked on the other) we made it to Hadley, MA. We went to a nice italian restaurant, Carmelina's, and had another fine dining experience.