This morning we took a gondola up the mountain and walked down. It was a 4 mile hike, but thankfully, most of it was downhill. The view from the mountain was really beautiful.

It took us about 2 1/2 hours to make it down. I knew I had a blister on my big toe, but was afraid to take my shoes off. While we were on top of the mountain in the gift shop, Patrick started talking to the sales lady. Turns out she had lived in Florida for 30 years and retired last year to Steamboat Springs. She told us about a nice place with hot springs that's not in the middle of town like the others. It's called Strawberry Farms Hot Springs and is outside of town. She gave us directions and we decided to go there after the hike. So, with blisters and pain in my legs from walking down hill for several hours, I liked the idea of soaking in hot water for a while. We got a map, followed her directions out of town and then the road stops. Actually, the pavement stops. I then drove 2 miles on dirt and gravel uphill a steep mountain. And I do mean STEEP. During winter you can only get there if you have chains for your tires. But even then I wouldn't try. I'm driving along and there is no other traffic. Finally, a car, then another. Patrick said the people in both cars are smiling, that must be a good sign. After 2 miles of going 15 miles an hour, we arrive. It's a parking lot and a little house where you pay for your ticket. So I pay, and the guy tells us where to go. Downhill we walk and there are the hot springs. And it's beautiful there. They are in a small valley, surrounded by nature and trees. There are 4 main pools. The hot spring comes out of the mountain above the pools and there is also a stream with fish. By mixing these two naturally occuring waters, they created paradise. There is a hot house where the steam of the hot spring runs through a little stone house. The water then flows into a pool where it gets mixed with the cold water from the stream (minus the fish). From there it flows down into another pool where more cold water is mixed in. So, all pools have different temperatures, from burning your feet (yes, I tried!) to freezing cold. It was sooo beautiful there!

After a couple of hours we left, had dinner in town and went back to the hotel. That's when I noticed the sunburn. So not only did I suffer a big blister on both of my big toes, I also have a painful sunburn. But even so, it was a great day!
Heute morgen sind wir mit der Gondel auf den Berg gefahren und dann 4 Meilen nach unten gelaufen. Der Ausblick von dort oben war sehr schoen. Leider habe ich gemerkt, dass ich Blasen an den Zehen bekommen werde. Waehrend wir oben auf dem Berg waren, hat Patrick sich mit einer Verkaeuferin in den Geschaeft unterhalten. Sie hat 30 Jahre lang in Florida gelebt und letztes Jahr sind sie nach Steamboat Springs umgezogen, als sie in Rente gingen. Sie hat uns eine der Hot Springs empfohlen, die nicht mitten in der Stadt, sondern ausserhalb liegen. Nach der Wanderung war die Aussicht, eine Weile im heissen Wasser zu liegen, sehr verlockend. Also sind wir Richtung Hot Springs losgefahren. Zuerst aus Steamboat Springs raus, dann immer weiter in die Berge. Danach hoerte die Strasse auf und wir sind noch 2 Meilen auf einem Weg gefahren. Als wir endlich oben angekommen sind, war es sehr schoen dort. Das heisse Wasser kommt oben aus dem Berg, und es fliesst auch ein Bach mit Fischen von der anderen Seite. Das Wasser fliesst dann in verschiedene Pools. Das heisse und kalte Wasser wird so geleitet, dass jeder Pool eine andere Temperatur hat, von extrem heiss zu eiskalt. Wir sind mehrere Stunden dort geblieben, sind dann in Steamboat Springs Abend essen gegangen und dann in's Hotel zurueck. Dort habe ich gemerkt, dass ich einen Sonnenbrand habe. Ich habe Blasen and den Fuessen, meine Beine tun weh weil ich stundenlang gewandert bin und ich habe einen Sonnenbrand. Aber trotz allem war es ein schoener Tag!