Wednesday, July 23, 2008

July 23, 2008

This morning we drove over to Mesa Verde where I got into trouble. I think I need to explain something first. I understand the reason behind speed limits, I really do. But they are so . . . stringent and restricting. So sometimes I kinda go a little faster than I should. Just a little. So, we were driving through Mesa Verde, which is, of course a National Park. With Park Rangers. In big cars with flashing lights on top. Well, they only flash their lights when they chase someone. And sometimes there is more than one Ranger chasing. Sometimes there are two Rangers in two cars with flashing lights. So anyway . . . . . there I was driving through the Park, which is very clearly marked when it comes to the speed they want you to drive. I was driving behind this lady in an SUV, Patrick and I were talking, I was a little faster than I should have been and I completely missed a sign that says: Speed Limit 25 miles. And that's where the Rangers and the flashing lights appeared. So I (and the lady in front of me) pulled over and waited. So, angry Ranger comes out of his car (the one with the flashing lights) and comes up to me. He tells me what the speed limit was and that I was way too fast. I agreed with him and apologized. Cause that's what you do when you do something stupid. Meanwhile, there was another Ranger behind him (and therefore behind me). But the Ranger only gave me a warning about driving too fast and told me to watch the speed limit from now on. Which I then did all the way through the Park. I expected (and deserved) a ticket, but he was nice enough to let me go. After that we drove (the speed limit) to the Cliff Dwellings, where Patrick made me go on a Nature Walk.

The "walk" if we want to call it that, was 3 miles long, most of it straight up. Oh, and there was the one part where the path ended in front of a big rock with a sign poining up. What do they think I am, a Mountain Goat? So up I went on that big rock that had a small whole in the side which was supposed to be a step. The path also led through a small opening with a Boulder on top of it. I figured the Boulder was there many years already and why should the thing collapse just as I walk under it.

When we were almost done and on top of the Mesa, a thunderstorm rolled in, but it never actually came close enough to be dangerous. But I still wanted to get off the mountain soon. We finally made it back to the car in less than three hours. It was a strenuous climb, but after my heart rate went down below Heart Attack/Stroke level, I of course had to admit that I liked it. And the view from the top of the Mountain was absolutely beautiful!

We drove back to Durango, parked the car at the hotel and took the trolley back to the downtown area. Patrick wanted to watch a movie and we saw "The Dark Knight". I'm not a Batman Fan but it was a good movie and I really liked it. Then we had dinner at Mutu's again.

Heute haben wir den Mesa Verde National Park besucht. Wir waren schon einmal dort, aber Patrick wollte auch dieses Mal wieder hin. Im Park bin ich leider zu schnell gefahren und wurde von einem Park Ranger angehalten. Aber ich habe nur eine Verwarnung bekommen, keinen Strafzettel. Obwohl ich das natuerlich verdient haette. Patrick hat mich dann zu einem Spaziergang ueberredet. Spaziergang ist wahrscheinlich nicht das richtige Wort dafuer. Der Pfad war 3 Meilen lang und meistens den Berg hoch. An einer Stelle hoerte der Pfad vor einem Grossen Stein auf und ein Pfeil der nach oben deutete. Ich bin ja keine Berg Ziege! Aber ich habe es geschafft. Danach mussten wir durch einen kleinen Pfad mit einem grossen Stein durch. Die Aussicht von dort oben war sehr schoen und es hat sich wirklich gelohnt. Als wir oben auf dem berg ankamen, gab es ein Gewitter, aber zum Glueck blieb es doch weit genug von uns entfernt. Es hat fast 3 Stunden gedauert, bis wir endlich wieder am Auto ankamen, aber es war doch ein schoener "Spaziergang". Wir sind dann wieder nach Durango zurueckgefahren, haben das Auto am Hotel abgestellt und sind wieder mit der Trolley in die Stadt gefahren. Dort sind wir dann in's Kino gegangen und haben uns "Dark Knight" angeschaut. Es war ein sehr guter Film, obwohl ich nicht gerade ein Batman Fan bin. Wir haben danach wieder bei Mutu's, dem italienischen Restaurant, gegessen und sind danach zurueck in's Hotel.