This morning we left New Orleans and went back on the Interstate. But instead of staying on I-10, we (actually, Patrick did) decided to go up and then go to I-20. I think the directions were: go up in Louisiana and then make a left into Texas. Well, I'm good with accurate directions, so here we are in Texas! :) We're staying in Lindale/Tyler tonight. It's less than 100 Miles to Dallas from here and it will probably take all day tomorrow to drive through Texas. In case you didn't know, Texas is BIG. I did not get gas this morning when we left New Orleans but then of course I forgot that the Interstate out of New Orleans is mostly bridges over Bayous, Swamps, Rivers and other wet areas. So, no gas stations for miles and miles. Well, it would be kinda hard to put a gas station on a bridge. Then I did not want to go to the first gas station after the swamps and waited for the second one. There are signs everywhere: next service station 36 miles. It's not like they are close together. I took the second gas station and the choice was $4.05 or $4.09 per gallon. I choose the first and just put a couple of gallons in. Later I went to another gas station in Louisiana and filled up the car for $3.92 a gallon. I was happy about that until I started wondering: When did we start thinking that $3.92 is a good price for a gallon of gas??? Anyway, we arrived at the hotel (after 436 miles) and had dinner at the Cracker Barrel. Patrick loves that place, southern boy that he is! And he eats like a horse! That child can put away massive amounts of food - but then, he is a teenager (aka a bottomless pit).
Heute morgen sind wir aus New Orleans abgefahren und ich habe nicht daran gedacht, erst zu tanken. Die Autobahn die aus New Orleans fuehrt ist hauptsaechlich Bruecken, manchmal fuer 20 Meilen nur Bruecken ueber Bayous, Suempfe, Fluesse oder anderes Wasser. Natuerlich gibt es dort keine Tankstellen. Ich habe dann, als wir aus dem Sumpfgebiet kamen, getankt. Es war sehr teuer ($4.05) und ich habe nur ein paar Gallonen getankt. Spaeter habe ich dann noch einmal getankt, dieses Mal zu $3.92 und habe dann auch voll getankt. Wir sind heute durch Louisiana durchgefahren (Sueden zu Norden) und dann nach Texas. Heute bin ich nur 436 Meilen gefahren. Wir bleiben hier in Tyler, Texas ueber Nacht. Morgen fahren wir dann westlich durch Texas, im Moment sind wir nur ca. 100 Meilen von Dallas entfernt.