It was snowing when we woke up this morning! Of course we knew that we would be stuck in the house all day if it snowed a lot, but we were prepared. We had our knitting, some wine, and oh yeah, we had food! Bring on the snow! I took pictures of the snow all day, but of course I took those pictures from inside the house. I like to look at snow, that doesn't mean I'm actually going into the snow. It looks so much prettier from the warmth of a cozy house.
This was "my" bedroom, at least for a few days. The balcony was slowly filling up with snow.

The bird feeder was busy all day long and it got covered in snow more and more.

The kitchen - a room we only go to when we get hungry, because it has no fireplace. We had muffins for breakfast and chocolate cake for lunch, leftover past from yesterday's dinner as a mid afternoon snack and pizza for dinner. Ah, healthy living at it's finest!

Ziggy is the master nap-taker. He has taking naps down to a science! Occationally he woke up and stalked a bird that came too close to the window. But since he was on the inside and the bird was on the outside there was no danger to the bird. But please don't tell that to Ziggy.

Linda thought she had to clean the walkway and steps in the morning. And since I'm not about to argue with her, I let her go outside. I even went out on the balcony to take a picture of her. I think that was as close as I got to physical labor (Linda's) today.

I love pictures of snow, so I took lots of them. There is nothing wrong with that.

I even went upstairs to see the path Linda had made on the driveway so we could walk. We did not really have a place to go, but after she made the path, we could have - if we wanted to. At least for the next 30 minutes, because after that it was all covered up by snow again.

Here is a picture from the top floor, the driveway is on the left and the street is on the top and right. Obviously, the snow plow has not been here yet.

The bird feeder, still crowded and getting covered in snow.

Around 4pm it stopped snowing and the skies cleared. It was beautiful! We had gotten about 7 inches of snow. Life is good!

After it cleared we could see the mountain again!

We did get a lot of knitting done today since we couldn't go anywhere.

It was time to take the bird feeder back inside so the four-legged wildlife wouldn't empty it during the night.