Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Brevard and Hendersonville

After yesterday's snow fall we wanted to leave today to look at more Yarn Stores. But with all that snow it was not easy to even get to the car, much less driving anywhere! Linda had cleaned the steps to the front door all day yesterday and it was fairly easy to get to the driveway.

Making it all the way down the driveway to where the cars are was another story. We finally made it, only to find the cars covered in several inches of snow.

It's funny to see the car with the Florida license plate, covered in snow!

Looking around at the street and the trees, I was very happy! So much snow, it was quiet and calm and so beautiful. The whole world looked clean - at least until the snow plow went through and the snow started to melt!

Linda had to clean the car before we even could get in. I, on the other hand, had to look around at the beautiful snow. Separation of labor at it's best - at least for me! :)

We finally made it out of the driveway and to the stores. Another good day in the snow.