Rested and ready for more, I walked back to Canal Street (and noticed my first blister on my foot) where I took the city bus all the way down Magazine Street to check out a yarn store. Hey, we all have our addictions! I spent some time there, talked to the people working there, checked out all the books they had and yes, I bought some yarn. Because - apparently I don't have enough. And besides, the sign in the store read: "She who dies with the most yarn wins". Not only do I not mess with tradition, I also don't argue with such obviously profound statements about yarn.
After all this walking and yarn buying I am back in my hotel room. I noticed another blister, this one on the other foot.
Since the hotel is so close to Canal Street I can hear the streetcars from my room. I don't know if one of them is called "Desire", but I was reminded of the play and the movie "A Streetcar named Desire". I don't think the look of New Orleans has changed much since Tennessee Williams wrote his play. Looking into the courtyards of these old houses, I half expected Stanley Kowalski standing at the foot of a staircase, calling for Stella. But alas, I did not find him.