Saturday, July 11, 2009

Another Day, Another State

I really have nothing interesting to say today, I was driving all day. I left New Orleans, LA after breakfast and I was in Ft. Worth, TX for dinner. Hmmm, I did just realize that I measure time by meals. Not for the first time.
When I arrived in Texas the temperature was 102 degrees. By 7pm it was 104 degrees. It always amazes me that I'm fine with 104 degrees as long as the humidity is low - like in Texas or New Mexico. And 80 degrees with humidity keep me inside the house, A/C running full blast and damned if I go outside without being forced to do so. I need to get away from Florida for good.

Ich bin heute morgen aus New Orleans losgefahren und bin heute abend in Ft. Worth, Texas. Da ich nur den ganzen Tag gefahren bin, gibt es auch nichts Interessantes zu berichten.