It was a beautiful morning and Judy and I spent some time on the porch.

Judy and Duncan went for a walk down to the lake and back again. Duncan is my little buddy, and even though I am not a cat person, Duncan could change my mind.
Judy took us to Chambersburg and on the way there we stopped at a round barn. I always liked round barns, but until today I never actually saw one. Outside the barn was a farm with horses and mules and goats and little donkeys. Judy talked to the horse. I don't know what the conversation was about, but I'm pretty sure carrots and apples were mentioned.

We checked out the round barn where farmers from the area sell their goods. Judy bought a really beautiful plant for her front door.

After the round barn, Judy took us to a winery up on a hill, for nothing other than to show us the beautiful view from the top.