Well, Linda and I went to the newest tea room in South Tampa again. It's called Kittridge House and is one of our favorite tea rooms at the moment. The food is sooo good and there is plenty of it. Good food and good company - what more do we need?
Sunday, February 7, 2010
What happened?
Apparently nothing happened since September when I made my last entry. Or maybe it happened but was never written down. I'll try to do better.
Well, Linda and I went to the newest tea room in South Tampa again. It's called Kittridge House and is one of our favorite tea rooms at the moment. The food is sooo good and there is plenty of it. Good food and good company - what more do we need?

Well, Linda and I went to the newest tea room in South Tampa again. It's called Kittridge House and is one of our favorite tea rooms at the moment. The food is sooo good and there is plenty of it. Good food and good company - what more do we need?