Well, not closed forever of course, because that would not be a "dark day in history" but more along the lines of "the end of the world". I decided that I should spend all day there in honor of the occasion.
Heute war das Wollgeschaeft zum letzten Mal geoeffnet und ich habe den ganzen Samstag dort verbracht.
Sally and I on the couch. Sally has the first knit-in on Tuesday.
Sally und ich auf der Couch. Wir treffen uns alle am Dienstag bei Sally zu Hause zum Stricken.
Sally and Jenna taking pictures of the shop.
Sally und Jenna machen Fotos vom Geschaeft.
Patty strickt ihr Noro.
We stayed until the end and finally got kicked out at 6pm. But Caroline kicked us out with a smile - she is very excited! We all are. Towards the end of the day the staff packed up and by the time we left the class rooms were full of boxes. I thought I would be sad on the last day but we were actually all very happy. Big smiles all around!