Monday, August 24, 2009

Dropping off the Kid

It is finally time for Patrick to go to College, to move out and to somewhat live on his own. So I drove him up to Tallahassee and helped him move into his dorm room. It is a very small room he shares with another kid, but I think they can make it work.

Patrick has the upper bed and his room mate John sleeps on the lower bed.

There isn't much room for anything else, just a mini fridge and a chest of drawers.

There are two bedrooms in this "suite", a bathroom and a study with four desks.

Of course, Patrick had to set up his computer right away and check on his friends!
We arrived on Thursday afternoon, unpacked and put his things away. Then we had dinner, I dropped him off at the dorm and went to the hotel.
On Friday we got an early start, we set up his post office box and his bank account and then we bought all the books and supplies he needed for his classes. It doesn't sound like we did a lot, but because of the large number of new students, it took us all day to get this done. We had an early dinner after which I dropped him off at the dorm and then I drove back to Tampa.